
Part A: Complete the description of the characters listed in the table below. (see "Sample Answer" for
Sir Gawain
Green Knight
King Arthur
He is considered the
knight who holds up every tenet of the code of
of the Green
His folly of accepting the green
Yet he is accepted
He accepts the potentially fatal
Knight to save his king from
girdle to save his life brings out his human
back at the Round Table, and all the knights show solidarity (support) by deciding to
the green girdle.
The Green Knight crashes in
Camelot. The Green Knight displays displeasure and
and his knights. The Green Knight's appearance is so terrible that it inspires
in even the most
men in Arthur's court.
at the Christmas celebration at
the chivalry of Arthur
among the
King Arthur is renowned for being the most
Knights of the Round Table. He is portrayed as courageous and one who honors the
code of
King Arthur is portrayed as the worthy liege (loyal)
lord whose knights are fiercely,

Answer :