
1. What is the song's (poem's) rhyme scheme? Label the rhyme scheme on the lines provided on page 24.

2. Do you notice a pattern of rhyme? If so, what is it? Is there any evidence of

internal rhyme? If so, give the line numbers in which the internal rhyme appears.

3. Are there any strategic points where the poem breaks with its rhyme scheme? Why? What do you notice about the last stanza (the last four lines)?

4. Who is the speaker? How would you describe the tone (the attitude of the

speaker) of the poem? Explain your choice.

5. How is the poem organized? How many stanzas (groups of lines) are there? How might this organization help the animals learn the song? 6. Do the lines end with a completion of a thought or with closed punctuation? What kinds of pauses are written into the poem? How does each stanza end?

7. Is there any evidence of sound effects, i.e repetition (repeat words or phrases).

alliteration (repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words), assonance

(repetition of vowel sounds within words), consonance (repetition of consonant

sounds at the ends of words), or onomatopoeia (words that imitate the sound

associated with a word), in the poem? If so, write the line(s) on your paper,

indicating which sound device is being used.

8. What imagery is present? Does the poet use metaphor, simile, personification, etc? Which lines create a strong image in your mind? Copy the lines. Why do you think these lines are so powerful?

9. What is the poem's message? Is the theme stated explicitly or implicitly? How do you know?