
st 3
Click on the answer that best states the implied main idea of the paragraph.
2 (1) Moshcases of baldness are caused by heredity (2) People with hereditary baldness gradually lose the bulbs from
which new hair would grow (3) This type of hair loss is called male-pattern baldness, and it is the most common type of
hair loss affecting men. (4) This hair loss is permanent (5) Some types of hair loss, however, are not permanent.
(6) Their causes include high fevers and certain types of drugs, including drugs that are used to treat cancer. (7) The hair
may fall out as long as three or four months after the illness or treatment. (8) Such hair loss is almost always temporary.
The implied main idea of the paragraph is
a Male-pattern baldness is permanent
b. Various factors may lead to temporary hair loss.
c. Baldness may be either permanent or temporary
d. Hair loss, whether temporary or permanent, is much more common in men than in women
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