
3. Baseball Players’ Salaries. We have access to data regarding the salaries of all professional
baseball players in 2019. That is, if we consider all professional baseball players in 2019 our
subjects of interest, then we have information on every individual in the population. In this
problem, we are going to examine how varying the sample size impacts the sampling distribution
of the sample mean. We will be using an applet called StatKey to complete this problem. Before
you work on this problem, please watch the Lecture video for MODULE 4, Part 3
to understand how to use the applet. Then, open a web browser on your computer and
going to the following website:

(h) We now wish to see what happens to the sampling distribution of the sample mean if we
increase our sample size to n = 50. To do this, click on Reset Plot at the top of the page.
Click on the blank next to Choose samples of size n= and enter 50 and hit OK. Select
three different samples of size n = 50 and record the three sample means.

i. What is the value of the sample mean (in millions of dollars) from your first random
sample of size n = 50? (Report to the nearest 3 decimal places.)
ii. What is the value of the sample mean (in millions of dollars) from your second random
sample of size n = 50? (Report to the nearest 3 decimal places.)
iii. What is the value of the sample mean (in millions of dollars) from your third random
sample of size n = 50? (Report to the nearest 3 decimal places.)