
14. How did this financial situation affect British policy towards its North
American colonies?
“Great Britain borrowed heavily to pay for the costs of fighting the French and Indian War. As a result, its national
debt doubled from approximately £70,000,000 to £140,000,000. In addition, the British estimated at £300,000
per year the cost of maintaining the 10,000 troops stationed in North America to defend the territory it had won
during the war.”
a. The British increased its military presense in the colonies
b. The British introduced taxes to get colonists to pay some of the costs.
c. The British relaxed colonial trade restrictions in order to raise revenue.
d. The British insisted that no colonists settle west of the Appalachian mountains

14 How Did This Financial Situation Affect British Policy Towards Its North American Colonies Great Britain Borrowed Heavily To Pay For The Costs Of Fighting Th class=