
Read the recipe.
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Macaroni and Cheese
(1) Cook 1 pound of macaroni according to the
O addinq an initial step o specify how to cook the
directions on the package. (2] Meanwhile, melt 1/4 cup
of butter in a medium saucepan on medium heat. (3)

Add 1/4 cup of flour, stirring to combine. [4) Add 1
breaking step 5 into two separate steps for whisking
and adding cheese
teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce, 1/4 teaspoon of
seasoned salt, 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper, and
O specifying what kind of milk to use in step 4
cups of milk. [5] Whisk the sauce until it is smooth and
inserting a step with instructions to get a strainer for
has no lumps; then add 2 cups of shredded cheese and
the cooked pasta
stir until the cheese is melted. [6] Drain the cooked
pasta and add the cheese sauce to the pasta. [7] Mix it
together and spread it in a baking dish. (8) Top with
breadcrumbs and bake at 350°F for 20 minutes.