
A good superhero gives hope to people in trouble. Let's create a generator for random superhero ideas - the results might be silly, but maybe it will give you the inspiration you need to create a great hero!

Default Random Choicesexpand_less
Even chance of starting with "Captain", "Doctor", "Star", "Power", "The Human"
Ends with a word determined by the power theme
Power Theme
2 in 8 chance: "fire" (+3 power)
2 in 8 chance: "wind" (+3 power)
2 in 8 chance: "water" (+3 power)
1 in 8 chance: "ghosts" (+4 power)
1 in 8 chance: "light" (+2 power)
Power Description
1 in 10 chance: can "summon" the theme (+4 power)
3 in 10 chance: can "turn into" the theme (+3 power)
3 in 10 chance: can "shoot beams of" the theme (+2 power)
3 in 10 chance: can "talk to" the theme (+1 power)
Extra Power
There is a 1 in 2 chance the hero has an extra power
If they do, there is an even chance of these options:
"is invincible" (+4 power)
"can stop time" (+3 power)
"is an expert hacker" (+3 power)
"can fly" (+2 power)

Superhero name
Hero abilities
Rating of the superhero's power
Requirements expand_less
Use multiple random choices to generate a superpower and hero name
Use weighted choice to make some power options rarer and more powerful than others
Track the hero's power rating depending on the choices of power

Built-In Libraries
Coding Exercise: Randomness
Super Random

#### ---- SETUP ---- ####
import random
## -- Libraries -- ##
name=" "
theme=" "

## -- Variables -- ##

#### ---- RANDOMIZATION ---- ####

## -- First part of name -- ##

if rand_name==1:
name="Captain "
elif rand_name==2:
name=="Doctor "
elif rand_name==3:
name= "Star "
elif rand_name==4:
elif rand_name==5:
name=="The Human "
## -- Theme choice -- ##

## -- Power description -- ##

## -- Extra power -- ##

#### ---- RESULTS ---- ####
print("superhero " + name + last)
print(name +" "+ last+" " + desc)