
Which theme do these two passages share? Passage 1: On an early morning in 1899 in Manchester, England, 12-year-old Martin was still tired from the day before as he walked his little sisters to school. 'Now be good girls, and I'll see you tonight," he advised as he kissed them on their heads. He missed going to school. Martin swatted at the soot on his pant legs and headed toward the factory. At least today was payday. He'd be able to buy fresh milk for his little sisters Passage 2: Abby hung her head in disappointment. Her dad had promised they'd spend time together today, and she really wanted to shoot some hoops at the park in their Chicago suburb. He had been so busy at work lately that she barely got to see him. "I'm sorry, kiddo, but Grandpa's car has been acting up," her dad said. "I'm worried about him getting stuck somewhere if it breaks down. What if you come with me and I teach you to check the oil?" Abby's ears perked up. She loved it when her dad showed her how things worked. A True happiness is based on internal peace, not external success. B. One of the most important and loving things you can do is to care for your family. C. Everyone needs to learn that disappointment is part of life, even if it's not pleasant. D. Different people have different talents, but all talents are valuable.​