
Rima is practicing math fluency. She has 100 math operation flashcards with 42 addition problem cards, 56 subtraction cards,
and 2 multiplication cards. She will time herself to see how fast she can solve the problems on ten cards. She chooses her ten
cards and they are all subtraction cards. Is choosing all subtraction cards likely? Explain by running a simulation.
Part A: State the problem or question and assumptions. (2 points)
Part B: Describe the process for one repetition, including possible outcomes, assigned representations, and measured
variables. (3 points)
Part C: Use digits from a table of random digits or use your calculator to perform one repetition. Submit the list of random digits
and indicate those that represent subtraction cards. (3 points)
Part D: Suppose there were 17 times when all ten cards were subtraction cards after 2,000 repetitions of the simulation. State
your conclusions from these results. (2 points)

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