
In sentence 6 (reproduced below), the writer wants to illustrate the point being made by adding a piece of relevant evidence to the end of the sentence.

Technology is gradually diminishing the individual skill sets of students and replacing them with a reliance on technology, as evidenced in many studies.

Which version of the underlined text best accomplishes the writer’s goal?
(as it is now)
a New York State case study showing that students who prepared for testing solely using technological devices scored lower on state assessments, which prohibit the use of technology
an article in the Harvard Educational Review suggesting a link between a heavy reliance on digital platforms—such as video clips and tutorials—and a marked decrease in attention span
a report by the Pew Research Center citing a strong and direct correlation between an increase in the use of technology in the classroom and incidences of academic cheating
a study by Psychology Todayindicating that the overuse of technological devices in the classroom is leading to a decline in students’ abilities to think critically and act logically