
Summarize key
points from each
Professional Skills
Body Language And Tone Of Voice
What do you say when you're not saying anything?
When you're on the job, your body language is every bit as important
as what you say. Your posture, gestures and tone of voice can send
strong signals to your customers, and those signals can have a
significant effect on your spoken interaction. Avoid body language that
signals disinterest and boredom, such as:
Resting your chin on your hand.
Slouching your shoulders.
Having a glum facial expression.
Looking away from the customer or avoiding eye contact.
These bad habits will suggest to customers that you think of them as
an interruption. Remember, you're there to serve their needs! Instead,
try to signal alertness, interest and a generally positive attitude:
Stand up straight.
Smile and appear enthusiastic.
• Face the customer and make eye contact.
Nod affirmatively.
This kind of positive body language lets your customer know that
you're taking an interest.
Tone of Voice
How you speak also sends non-verbal signals. The same words can
mean a number of things, depending on the volume, pitch, tone and
emphasis you use. An enthusiastic tone of voice will say "I'm
interested" and "I'm on your side." A negative or flat tone of voice will
say "I don't care" and "Leave me alone." Try not to sound impatient,
superior or bored. Putting some positivity into your voice will improve
your interactions with customers. It will give your customers
confidence that you understand their needs and concerns and that
you are there to help them.