
Write True or False
a)At the work package level, those responsible for getting the job done on schedule and within budget are usually the first-line supervisors or technicians who are experienced and familiar with the type of work involved.
b)A top down estimate usually represents a low cost, efficient, accurate method of estimation.
c)Banks often use the Apportion Method to authorize the borrower to pay a contractor for completion of specific segments of the house. For example, the bank approves a load for $1,000,000 to build a new house. However, the bank stipulates that the heating and air conditioning cannot be more than 10% and the air conditioning cost cannot be more than 5%. Therefore, the limit on the cost of the air conditioning system is $5,000.
d) Accounting is an example of General and Administrative (GAA) Overhead Costs.
e) In the Risk Assessment Process, if a risk is identified as having a low probability and a high impact, the project needs to be eliminated from further consideration.