
Plymouth Colony began with the voyage of the Mayflower and ended when the colony was
combined with Massachusetts Bay. Below are some of the significant events in the history of the
colony. (Note: this is not a comprehensive ist. After al. Plymouth Colony existed for over 20 years).
Label each event as negative, positive, or neutral.
Plymouth Company is chartered
by King James I
July 1620
Pilgrims leave the Netherlands to
join up with the Mayflower
Nov 1620
The Mayflower is unable to reach
Virginia due to dangerous conditions
Dec 1620
Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth
Mar-April 1621
Pilgrims meet the Wampanoag
and sign a treaty
Oct 1621
Pilgrims celebrate the First
July-Aug 1623
Two ships arrive carrying about
100 new colonists
June 1630
More colonists arrive and Plymouth
Colony continues to grow
Pilgrims flee England for the Netherlands
in search of religious freedom
Sep 1620
The Mayflower sets sail for the
New World
Nov 1620
Pilgrims create the Mayflower
Dec-Mar 1620-1621
Many colonists die of illness due to
harsh weather conditions
April 1621
Governor John Carver dies and
is replaced by William Bradford
Nov 1621
Colonists experience a food
Nov 1623
A fire destroys several buildings
and homes