
11th English #3
Revised April, 2014
Gateway to Grammar
Unit 3: Pronouns
Self Test
1. Underline the correct pronoun in parentheses.
2. Write the use of the pronoun in the blank before the sentence.
s. for subject
d.o. for direct object
i.o. for indirect object
o.p. for object of preposition
p.n.for predicate nominative
1. Please give this check to (she, her).
2. I called (her, she) this morning.
3. This is (she, her).
4. For (who, whom ) are you working?
5. (She, Her) is the tallest player on the team.
6. (Who, Whom) will be travelling with me?
7. Rick knows ( him, he ) quite well.
8. We are buying a bike for ( him, he).
9. Veronica and (I, myself) are both seniors.
10. Jared and (I, me) painted his house.
11. It is (he, him) who was here earlier.
12. I paid ( him, he) the money.
13. Randy and (we, us) went out to eat last night.
14. James is writing an article about (us, we).