
In cell I27, use the FORECAST. LINEAR function to determine how many games a team could expect to win in 2019 if the team's salary was $150,000,000.

Reference the salary amount in cell I28 and the appropriate ranges in the Major League Baseball Salaries and Wins by Team table as arguments for your function.


In cell I31, use the CONFIDENCE. NORM function to determine the 95% confidence interval for wins in 2019.

Use 0. 05 as the alpha level in your analysis.

Reference the appropriate calculations for size and standard deviation as the arguments for your function.


In cell I33, calculate the upper limit for the 95% confidence interval for your win prediction for a team paying $150,000,000 in salaries in the year 2019.

Reference your prediction in cell I27 and the confidence interval calculation in cell I31 in your formula.


In cell I35, calculate the lower limit for the 95% confidence interval for your win prediction for a team paying $150,000,000 in salaries in the year 2019.

Reference your prediction in cell I27 and the confidence interval calculation in cell I31 in your formula

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