
(1)Identical twins Jack Yufe and Oskar Stohr shared the same genes. (2)They were separated at six months of age, when their parents divorced. (3)Yufe was raised as a Jew, joined an Israeli kibbutz in his youth, and served in the Israeli navy. (4)Stohr was brought up as a Catholic and later became involved in the Hitler youth movement. (5)Despite the differences in their backgrounds, when they first met at the airport, both sported mustaches and two-pocket shirts and epaulets, and each carried a pair of wire-rimmed glasses with him. (6)Both read magazines from back to front. (7)Both excel at sports and have difficulty with math. (8)And both have similar personality profiles as measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

Question2. The first comparison transition in the selection is in sentence (Choose a number. Then click GO.)