
Match the definition to the term.

1 .
interrogative pronoun
a pronoun that points out a particular person or thing
2 .
personal pronoun
a pronoun whose antecedent is nonspecific
3 .
demonstrative pronoun
categories such as masculine, feminine, and neuter into which words are divided
4 .
one of a class of pronouns used to stand for nouns representing first, second, and third person
5 .
the form of a word marking singular or plural
6 .
a self- pronoun which serves to emphasize a preceding noun
7 .
the form of a pronoun indicating the person speaking, person spoken to, or person or thing spoken about
8 .
indefinite pronoun
the grammatical relationships between words in a sentence and the forms of words used to communicate those relationships
9 .
reflexive pronoun
a self- pronoun that acts as an indirect or direct object and moves the action of the verb back on the subject
10 .
reciprocal pronoun
a pronoun used in asking a question
11 .
intensive pronoun
a pronoun communicating mutual relationship or responsibility
12 .
relative pronoun
a pronoun that introduces a relative clause and references the element modified