
I need a rhyme for this poem. It is for creative writing and here is my poem the capitalized words are the words that rhyme. This poem is a sonnet!!! Here is my poem! Also please tell me if any of the lines are missing or have to many syllables ( I can only have 10 per line)
A) Loving someone if full of desperate TEARS
B) They always said I would have lost you FAST
A) Loving someone important brings FEARS
B) It's bringing back memories of the PAST
C) My parents always said that you were CRUEL
D) I should have known this love was a GAME
C) However, I am not your freaking FOOL
D) Because of you I'll never be the SAME
E) You always could make women fall for YOU
F) You thought I would actually MISS you
E) When I think of you, I always feel BLUE
F) You don't know how bad I want to KISS you
G) I wish that someday you would come BACK

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