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Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Exercise 1 Add commas where needed. Write C in the blank if the sentence uses commas
Susan's school performed Tom Sawyer and she played Becky Thatcher.
1. The much-admired writer Mark Twain was born in a small frontier settlement in
Missouri and he grew up in Hannibal, Missouri.
2. Hannibal was a quiet town on the banks of the Mississippi, but the town became lively
when a riverboat appeared.
3. Like many young boys, Twain admired the riverboat pilots and longed to become one
4. The pilot always had to be aware of the depth of the water for riverboats could get
stuck in shallow water.
5. Twain's real name was Samuel Clemens, but he is best known by his pen name.
6. Riverboat workers called out "mark twain" when the water was two fathoms (12 feet)
deep and a pilot hearing this call knew that the water was safe to cross.
7. Twain had several jobs but he started out as an apprentice to a printer, his older brother.
B. Twain didn't always get along with his brother but he did learn the printing trade.
9. Twain then took a series of printing jobs in different parts of the country, and he also
began to write humorous stories.
10. In 1857 he began an apprenticeship as a riverboat pilot, and his experiences on the
river led him to write a series of sketches called Life on the Mississippi