
10KNO3 (s) +8C (s graphite) + 3S(s rhombic) --> 2K2C03 (s) + 3K2SO4 (s) + 6CO2 (g) + 5N2 (g)

1. calculate the enthalpy change.
2. assume one charge contains 70 grains (1 grain is 0.065grams) kno3. convert to moles of kno3.
3. calculate enthalpy change for reaction with moles kno3 just calculated.
4. determine number of moles co2 produced.
5. determine number of moles n2 produced.
6. determine volume co2 oroduced. 1atm and 22c
7. determime volume n2 produced. 1atm and 22c
8. 2 reasons why this reaction is explosive. ​