
Ji-Hoon and his best friend, Camila, decide to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, which provides free,
nutritious hot meals four evenings a week. Camila eyes the long line of hungry families. “I think we might
run out of dinner tonight!”
The director, Ms. Hinojosa, responds that this is a common problem, and she is trying to secure additional
funding for more meals. She asks Ji-Hoon and Camila to help her determine the number of additional hot
meals that the soup kitchen could serve each of the four nights if the overall food budget was increased by
40% with the following parameters.
The current annual food budget is $70,000; three-fourths of the budget is spent on the hot meals served
four evenings per week, and one-fourth of the budget is spent on non-perishable, nutritious snacks
that are distributed weekly. The proposed budget would follow the same proportions. The soup kitchen
receives regular donations from local merchants. As a result, the projected meal costs that Ms. Hinojosa
uses for planning are $0.59 per meal per day for the first 150 meals and $2.72 per meal for each meal over
150 per day.
SOLVE IT: How many additional hot meals can be served each of the four nights each week if the annual
food budget is increased by 40% with these parameters? Please round all work to the hundredths place
when working out solutions. Round the final answer down to the nearest whole number since it represents
a number of hot meals within a budget.