
Complete the following paragraphs by filling in the correct term(s) in the spaces provided.
It's natural for this complex molecule to want to be in a relationship. Hemoglobin meets oxygen. When they get together,
the new name is
Their newfound affinity is likely to end when they meet up with the
effect at the tissue level. So hemoglobin takes up with carbon dioxide and we get
carbaminohemoglobin. The fickle heme will drop CO₂ off at the lung when they run into the
effect. Life could go on like this unless our conjugated protein meets up with a really unusual gas like carbon monoxide.
and it really lasts because hemoglobin's affinity for CO is
times greater than its affinity for oxygen.
This combination is called
Why Be Normal?
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the correct term(s) in the spaces provided.
HbS, whose common name is
causes red blood cells to deform and clump together into thrombi. Babies are born with
hemoglobin, which causes a(n)
cyanosis. Sometimes heme is altered in other ways. When the iron compound is oxidized, we get
which causes the blood to turn a brownish color. Poisoning from nitric oxide is one thing that can cause this transforma-
tion of our gas-loving protein.
hemoglobin, not only carries on poorly with O₂ but also
shift of the curve and makes babies more susceptible to

WORD WIZARD Complete The Following Paragraphs By Filling In The Correct Terms In The Spaces Provided Its Natural For This Complex Molecule To Want To Be In A Re class=