
A) Reescribe las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva (1 punto c/u)

1. Samuel has never worn those pants.
2. The company will produce new laptops next year.
3. That advertising campaign didn't tempt them to buy the product.
4. My father had built this house 45 years ago
5. No one told me about the low prices on the mobile phones.
6. Many turists visit the museum every weekend

B) Reescribe las siguientes oraciones en voz activa (1 punto c/u)

1. Bohemian Rhapsody was written by Freddy Mercury
2. A lie was told by someone in this room.
3. The secret will not be discovered
4. The books have been read by the students for the exam
5. The doctor is being received at the airport by a comitee