Based on the calculations above for the Rudy Red Theater company, we have observed varied results after the table completions, especially the concession stand items, daily production of labor, among others. Therefore, we observe that there is no independent table or calculations since they depend on other variables to make deductions; therefore, they are highly interconnected. The first process of the calculation was chart completion which was the variable cost arithmetic. The variable costs help in determining the total costs of the variable resources. Therefore, the formula was variable cost equal to multiplying the total amount of the viable resources to the unit price for each variable. For example, the concession stand items are sold by the company to its customers; however, in case these items were not sold to the customers, then it's would not be essential to produce them since supply will be determined by the current demand of the products. Secondly, we have the total cost formula that was also used in table completion. The total cost of production is related to the production that is calculated by adding the variable costs to the fixed costs. Since the fixed cost of the company is not zero, therefore the total cost of production cannot also be zero. Another formula used when completing the table was the marginal cost for the Ruby Red Company. This was determined by dividing the total cost by the changes in output. An example from the above table, when the units of output were zero produced (meaning the concession stand items), there was a two thousand dollars total cost. There was also a total cost of two thousand dollars when one hundred concession items were produced daily. In the next column, we had to calculate the marginal revenue whose calculation formula is similar to the marginal cost. However, It is necessary to use the same formula as for marginal cost in order to calculate marginal revenue, with the exception that total revenue is used rather than total cost. Because there are no units of out