
Now it's time to write your own poem in a style that works best for you. Make sure to check out the guidelines that follow to make sure that you are including all the requirements.


* Your poem must be at least twelve lines long.

* Choose an appropriate topic for your poem. Your poem can be narrative or lyric. The subject can be humorous or serious.

* It should have a specific form—even if that form is free verse. Your poem can have a rhyme scheme, but it does not have to. If you choose to write a haiku or limerick, you will have to write more than one so that you meet the requirement of twelve lines.

* Use figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, etc.) and sensory language (imagery) in your poem. The words you choose need to be specific and precise. Focus on finding exactly the right words to describe your topic.

* Follow the steps of the writing process: plan, draft, revise, proofread and edit, and publish.