
1. 6 amps flow through a hair dryer at full power. It is plugged into a European 220V outlet. What resistance does he have?
2. During a thunderstorm, there is a voltage of 40 million between the clouds and the ground. The current in the lightning is 15,000 A. What is the resistance of the air? V
3. Determine U, R or I for each of the four resistors in the following picture. Remember the heights of the reservoirs, colored reservoirs, currents that split and then flow together again, etc. "Voltage across a resistor" means how much it downwards goes from one reservoir to the other reservoir", i.e. the "electrical height difference". The table should support you in your procedure. The values, which you can immediately read from the picture - with our knowledge about streams and reservoirs from the weeks before - I have already marked it in pink for you