
Activity 16: Analyzing Stylistic Choices
Using the articles you have already read please fill out the table about these two articles.
What patterns do you notice
across Chira's and Brooks's
articles? What kinds of word
choices do they make (name
the kinds and list examples)?
What images do they use?
How do they describe the
perspectives they describe?
For each of the techniques
you list, describe what effect
that technique is likely to
have on Chira and Brooks's
audience (both are writing for
readers of The New York
Times). Will it make them
seem like particular kinds of
people? Will it evoke
particular emotions (which
Call each of these patterns a
"technique," and come up
with a name for it, whether it
is a name you already know
or one you make up.
Susan Chira (A Manly Job Problem)
What is each author's overal
purpose? For each of the
effects that you describe,
explain how that effect will
serve the author's purpose.

Answer :