
What is most likely the author's reason for referencing President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in paragraph 19?
I remember the fierce resolve of a man that I admired greatly, a great leader of a great people, Franklin D. Roosevelt. He fought a pitched battle in
1936 with private interests whose target was private gain. And I shall long remember the words that I believe he echoed at Madison Square Garden,
when he declared to the Nation that the forces of selfishness had not only met their match, but these forces had met their master.
Johnson hopes to garner praise by contemplating his own triumph in comparison to that of a less effective leader.
Johnson wishes to align himself with a revered leader who had similar values, and, at the same time, distinguish himself as a more moderate alternative
To praise FDR for his part in writing the original Highway Beautification Act
To appeal to his bipartisan audience by honoring a more conservative public figure