
The Bill of Rights WebQuest and Video Analysis


To begin this assignment, watch the Ted-Ed video: A 3-minute guide to the Bill of Rights and then answer the following questions. A simple answer will be accepted. Type your answers in BLUE.

1. Which amendments to the United States Constitution are referred to as the Bill of Rights?

2. What is the first amendment?

3. Why do some refer to the First Amendment as the most “revered”?

4. What is the Second Amendment?

5. What was the original intent of the Second Amendment?

6. What does the Second Amendment guarantee now in modern times?

7. What is the Third Amendment? What was the reason behind its creation?

8. What is the Fourth Amendment? What does it prevent?

9. How does modern technology pose a problem when it comes to interpreting the Fourth Amendment?

10. What does the Fifth Amendment detail?

11. What does the Sixth Amendment guarantee? Why is this important?

12. What does the Seventh Amendment guarantee?

13. What does the Eight Amendment prevent?

14. What are the Ninth and Tenth amendments referred to as? Which institution do these rights allow to create more rights?

For the next section of this assignment, proceed to the History.com website listed on the front page, read the article, and answer the following questions.
15. Which 13th century document can the origins of the American Bill of Rights be traced back to? What was the purpose of this document?

16. How was the Colonial Charter of Virginia (1606) a similar precursor to the American Bill of Rights?

17. What served as the model for bills of rights in the individual states following independence and, ultimately, for the federal Bill of Rights? What other nation was influenced by this document?

18. Which of the Constitutional Framers looked to create a national Bill of Rights during the First Constitutional Congress?

19. When did the Bill of Rights become part of the United States Constitution? How?

20. Originally, were the individual states bound to the Bill of Rights?

21. What did the Fourteenth Amendment declare following the United States Civil War?

22. How did the interpretation of the Bill of Rights change in 1947?

23. What did the Supreme Court of the 1960’s begin to declare regarding the Bill of Rights?

24. Which provisions of the Bill of Rights now apply to the states?

25. Has the Constitution ever been amended? Has the Bill of Rights ever been amended?