
than it's worth. Analyze each real-life funding opportunity by answering the questions.
List reasons a state might
accept this money:
Situation: Medicaid is a federal program
that provides health care for people with
lowincomes. The programiscarried out by
states Statesthatfollowfederalguidelines
getreimbursed bythefederalgovernment
for 50-75% of what Medicaid costs to run.
States do not have to cover non-disabled
adults without dependent children.
Opportunity Thefederal governmentwill
pay 100% of a state's Medicaid costs for 2
years if the state agrees to cover non-
children. For 4 years after that, the
reimbursementwill gradually decreaseto
90%. It will then stay at 90%. Some states
others do not.
List reasons a state might
not accept this money:
They aren't
Write two questions you'd want answers to before making a
1) reasons a state might accept this money
2)reasons a state might not accept this money