An employee works at a spin casting machine in a cast iron pipe manufacturing company located
in Charlotte, NC. She has various noise exposures throughout her 8-hour shift. The employee is
currently wearing MSA ear muffs with an NRR of 18 dB.
You have been asked to evaluate her noise exposure and determine if the current hearing protection
provided adequately protects her. You have a type II sound level meter to take noise measurements.
You have set he meter on A scale - slow response. Because the spin casting operation produces wind currents you also are using a wind screen.
After interviewing the employee and taking noise measurements with the sound level meter over the shift you have determined the following about her noise exposures:
95 dBA – for 6 hours while the spin casting machine is spinning
94 dBA – for 1.5 hours while the machine is set up between spins
82 dBA – for 30 minutes while in the lunchroom during breaks
a) What is her TWA noise exposure in dBA over the 8-hour shift?
b) Is the hearing protection adequate?