
Which quote below best supports the central idea of the article? Should We Scoff at the Idea of Love at First Sight? ( Search for Should We Scoff at the Idea of Love at First Sight? On commonlit.org for the text)

A. “If you find yourself smitten with someone you’ve only just met, you’ll question whether you should give the feeling so much weight — and risk ending up like Michael.”

B. “But other studies don’t accept such a clean break between the chemistry of love at first sight and of ‘true’ love, instead suggesting that what happens in the brain at first blush may resemble what happens later on.”

C. “They show the signs that we tend to regard as hallmarks of ‘mature’ love — profound passion, intimacy and commitment — right away. For Shakespeare, if you have this, you have love, whether it takes six months or six minutes.”

D. “It’s easy to say that people don’t love each other when they first meet because they don’t know each other and haven’t had a chance to form a true attachment.”