
Single spaced (both poetry and all types of prose)
Plain, easily-readable font
12-point font size
If you are publishing a story or memoir:
The title is centered at the top with no underlining, bolding, or quotation marks
The first letter in each word of the title is capitalized
Your byline is centered one space below the title
Your story begins two spaces below the byline
If you are publishing a poem:
Your title is left justified above the poem (unless the poem is centered or right justified)
The first letter in each word of the title is capitalized (unless you decide for style to do otherwise)
Your poem begins two spaces below the title
Your byline is two spaces below the last line of the poem
Your author’s bio:
Is single spaced
Appears two spaces below the end of your story or the byline if you are submitting a poem
Bio is no more than four sentences and 100 words long

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