
A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Concrete nouns
name items that can be experienced through one or more of the five senses, such
as a tree or a cloud. Abstract nouns, on the other hand, refer to ideas, qualities,
emotions, or concepts, such as goodness or fear. Abstract nouns cannot be
experienced through the senses.
DIRECTIONS: Identify each underlined noun as concrete or abstract.
1) Triumph once again eluded the basketball team.

2)The aroma of baking bread made everyone smile.

3Mr. Ravi has only a vague recollection of the meeting.
What time is it?

5) All of the fallen leaves were
covered in a layer of frost.

6) I can see the guilt on your face.

7)Mrs. Lee's frown made us all wonder what was wrong.

8)Scientists have identified a new bacterium that may cause Lyme disease.