
Writing Prompt: Click below to re-read the letter to the editor, “I, Too, Have a Dream”
(found in 2.04). How does the writer use structure and language to persuade her readers
and support her feelings about immigration? Write an essay using evidence from the letter
to answer the question.
Brittany Taylor’s Letter to the Editor, “I, Too, Have a Dream”
Thesis Statement: Type your thesis statement that you created from the 2.04 quiz here.
Part 1 – Organizing Your Ideas
Directions: Write a topic sentence for each body paragraph. (One body paragraph should
focus on the author’s use of structure and one body paragraph should focus on the author’s
use of language.) Use a mixture of paraphrased examples and direct quotations for your
evidence. Write your examples and explanations in complete sentences.
Body Paragraph 1
● Topic Sentence:
● Example from text to support topic sentence:
● Explanation of how the example serves purpose:
● Example from text to support topic sentence:
● Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Body Paragraph 2

● Topic Sentence:
● Example from text to support topic sentence:
● Explanation of how the example serves purpose:
● Example from text to support topic sentence:
● Explanation of how the example serves purpose:
Part 2 – Developing Body Paragraphs
Directions: Use your planning in Part 1 to write your two body paragraphs. Use complete
sentences, proper grammar and punctuation, and transitions to develop your body
paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a transition at the beginning of the topic
sentence and at least two within each paragraph