
On this practice quiz, we're going to be referring to a data frame called USStates. Below is a portion of the data frame as well as definitions of the variables included in it.State IQ Pres2008 Population College PhysicalActivity Smokers1 Alabama 95.7 McCain 4.525375 24.6 70.3 24.82 Alaska 99.0 McCain 0.657755 29.2 79.4 24.93 Arizona 97.4 McCain 5.739879 30.8 75.7 20.24 Arkansas 97.5 McCain 2.750000 26.7 73.4 23.55 California 95.5 Obama 35.842038 31.1 77.2 15.26 Colorado 101.6 Obama 4.601821 38.0 81.2 19.8State Name of stateIQ Mean IQ score of residentsPres2008 Which 2008 Presidential candidate won state? M=McCain or O=ObamaPopulation Number of residents (in millions)College Percentage of residents with college degreesPhysicalActivity Percentage of residents who have competed in a physical activity in the past monthSmokers Percentage of residents who smoke1. Which of the variables below would be appropriate for a histogram? (Check all that apply.)ResponsesA CollegeB IQC Pres2008D Population