
1. What did Bernard Bernake do regarding the warnings about all of the sub-prime
mortgage that were being issued?
2. What happened to foreclosures and the securitization food chain in 2008?
3. What happened to the major investment banks and AIG?
4. What affect did all of this have on the U.S. economy?
1. Who sets the pay packages for the CEO's?
2. Who ultimately profited from this crisis?
3. How much did the financial industry spend on lobbying and campaign contributions
from 1998-2008 to insure the derivative market stayed deregulated?
4. Discuss the conflict of interest that seems to have taken place between academics and
the financial market. Do you think there was a conflict of interest?
1. What business industry is on the decline and which one is on its way up?
2. What two barriers are making it difficult for an individual to get a good education?
3. Who benefited most from President Bush's tax cuts?
4. How did people deal with the "inequality of wealth" issue?
5. Did President Obama's and his administration change the Wall Street culture? If so,
how? If not, why not?
In your opinion, what where the major causes of the 2008 Global Economic Crisis?
2. What could have been done to prevent it?
3. Should anyone have gone to jail because of what happened? If so, who?