
HOW TO SURVIVE A ZOMBIE GRAMMAR APOCALYPSE The World Health Organization reveals that a virus has recently broken out that is spreading at an alarming rate and that a zombie apocalypse is eminent. This virus is like no other in that it causes zombies to attack whenever bad grammar is detected. Correct the errors in the following sentences to protect the people of earth. 1. When I walked passed the cemetary, I couldn't beleive my eyes! Fourty zombies were lurching toward me, and they were definately ready to attack. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED 2. With fire in his eyes the corpse opened his mouth to reveal his knife-sharp teeth. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED 3. The zombie sinking his teeth into his helpless victim. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED: 4. I was walking down houston street on the way to my dorm at new york university. Iknew I had to run when I caught a glimpse of john staring at me with zombie-eyes. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED: 5. I didn't know weather or not I would make it! Their were zombies surrounding my car, and the stress was almost to much to bare. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED: 6. The moon glared down to reveal zombie's everywhere. One of the monsters resembled a coworker, but it's skin was green and slimy. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED: 7. The zombies were moving in my direction so I hid behind a garbage bin. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED: 8. Each of the zombies are hungry and ready to attack. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED: 9. The zombie opened his mouth than screamed, "Your next!" ERROR(S) EXPLAINED: 10. The zombie grabbed his arm pulled hard and detached it from his shoulder. ERROR(S) EXPLAINED: