A. Understand Words Directions: Write the vocabulary word for each definition below.
____________1. not thinking clearly; not able to use reason or good judgment TELEGRAPH
____________2. an outdated system of sending messages over long distances by using wires and electrical signals IRREGULAR
____________3. not normal or usual; not following the usual rules about what should be done; notregular in form or shape
____________4. not present or real; not existing
____________5. not involving words; not able to speak
____________6. the signature of a famous person
____________7. a part of a piece of writing that deals with one subject, begins on a new line, and is made up of one or more sentences
____________8. not important or relating to what is being discussed right now
____________9. pictures or words painted or drawn on a wall, building, etc.
____________10. a shiny, black substance that is used in pencils Rewrite Definitions rections: Reread the definitions and sentence examples for each word. Then, write your own definition