
The Giving Tree of Errors 3.0 You are given a binary tree written as a sequence of parent child pairs. You need to detect any errors which prevent the sequence from being a proper binary tree and print the highest priority error. If you detect no errors, print out the lexicographically smallest 5-expression for the tree. Input Format Input is read from standard input and has the following characteristics: • It is one line. • Leading or trailing whitespace is not allowed. Each pair is formatted as an open parenthesis 'l', followed by the parent, followed by a comma, followed by the child, followed by a closing parenthesis')'. Example: (A,B) • All values are single uppercase letters. • Parent-Child pairs are separated by a single space. • The sequence of pairs is not ordered in any specific way. Input (A,B) (B,C) (A,E) (BD) Output Output is written to standard output and must have the following characteristics: • It is one line . It contains no whitespace. • If errors are present, print out the first listed error below (e.g, if E3 and E4 are present, print E3), . If no errors are present, print the S-expression representation described below. Errors You should detect the following errors: Code E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Type Invalid Input Format Duplicate Pair Parent Has More than two children Multiple Roots Input Contains Cycle S-Expression Representation If the input is a valid tree, we want you to print the lexicographically smallest S-Expression. "Lexicographically Smallest" simply means "print the children in alphabetical order.' Below is a recursive definition of what we want: S-exp(node) = "({node->val}{S-exp(node->first_child)}{S-exp(node->second_child)})" if node != NULL, = "", node == NULL where, first_child->val < second_child->val (lexicographically smaller) Sample Input #00 (A,B) (B,D) (D,E) (A,C) (C,F) (E,G) Sample Output #00 (AB(D(E(G)))) ((F))) Sample Input #01 (A,B) (A,C) (B,D) (D,C) Sample Output #01 E5 Output #01 Explanation Node D is both a child of B and a parent of C, but C and B are both child nodes of A. Since D tries to attach itself as parent to a node already above it in the tree, this forms an undirected cycle. YOUR ANSWER