
21. Under the Code, a copy of an offer to purchase must be given to the buyer:

a. promptly¸ but not later than 24 hours after the buyer signed the offer.
b. as soon as convenient for the REALTOR®.
c. upon the buyer signing the offer.
d. after the offer has been accepted by the seller.

22. The Code requires that REALTORS®' advertising clearly identify:

a. the member's professional status or status as a REALTOR®.
b. the member's license number.
c. the name of the property owner.
d. none of the above.

23. The Preamble to the Code:

a. can be the basis for disciplinary action against a REALTOR®.
b. establishes ideals which all REALTORS® should strive to meet.
c. A and B.
d. neither A nor B.

24. Articles of the Code of Ethics are broad statements of ethical principles and the Standards of Practice support, interpret and amplify the respective Articles.

a. True
b. False

25. A "general" mailing to all homes in an area:

a. is always unethical.
b. is not unethical even if the mailing reaches owners whose property is exclusively listed with other brokers.
c. is unethical if there is a "for sale" sign on the lawn.
d. is unethical if the property owner is on the "Do Not Call" registery.

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