
1. Which of the following statements best defines data? a. Data is a business process. b. Data is an assortment of questions. c. Data is the use of calculations and statistics. d. Data is a collection of facts. 2. A company defines a problem it wants to solve. Then, a data analyst gathers relevant data, analyzes it, and uses it to draw conclusions. The analyst shares their analysis with subject-matter experts, who validate the findings. Finally, a plan is put into action. What does this scenario describe? a. Customer service b. Data science c. Data-driven decision-making d. Identification of trends 3. Which of the following are examples of data visualizations? Select all that apply. (Answer(s) can be more than 1) a. Charts b. Graphs c. Reports d. Maps 4. Fill in the blank: Being able to identify a relationship between two or more pieces of data describes a. correlation b. problem-orientation c. visualization d. detail-oriented thinking 5. A company is receiving negative comments on social media about their products. To solve this problem, a data analyst uses each of their five analytical skills: curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy. This makes it possible for the analyst to use facts to guide business strategy and figure out how to improve customer satisfaction. What is this an example of? a. Data-driven decision-making b. Gap analysis c. Data science d. Data visualization 6. A dairy farmer decides to open an ice cream shop on her farm. After surveying the local community about people's favorite flavors, she takes the data they provided and stores it in a secure hard drive so it can be maintained safely on her computer. This is part of which phase of the data life cycle? a. Manage b. Archive c. Analyze d. Plan