prompt the user for a purchase order id number and save this value. if the purchase order number is not one of the following then print an error and exit the program. x111, x122, b333, r100 prompt the user for a quantity and save this value. calculate a total price using the following information: x111 is a computer with a price of 450.00 x122 is a monitor with a price of 145.00 b333 is a keyboard with a price of 45.00 r100 is a mouse with a price of 25.00 multiply the quantity times the price and print out the results so they look like: order: xxx (where xxx is the purchase order number entered by the user) item: xxxx (where xxxx is the item name associated with the purchase order) quantity: xx (where xx is the quantity entered by the user) total: $xxx.xx (where xxx.xx is the quantity times the price associated with the order number. write python methods that perform the following (using the names listed below) getorder() -- prompts the user and returns the order number getquantity() -- prompts the user and returns the quantity getname( id ) --- pass the order number and return the name of the associated item getprice( name ) -- pass the item name and return the price of the item of the item associated with the item name