Two LEDs are mapped to Port 1 of the microcontroller. Port 1 is 8-bit. The green LED is mapped to pin 5 and the red LED is mapped to pin 2. The code below blinks the two LEDs such that the red LED is blinking at double the speed of the green LED. This pattern can be achieved by initializing the LEDs to: (Green, Red) = (OFF, OFF) Then, in the loop, this is the repeating pattern: (Green, Red) -(ON, ON) (Green, Red) - (ON, OFF) (Green, Red) - (OFF, ON) (Green, Red) - (OFF, OFF) What are the missing lines of code? // A line of code that turns both LEDs off // Infinite loop for (ii) PLOUT A sleep (500); PLOUT A sleep (500); P10UT A sleep (500); PLOUT A sleep (500); } P1OUT - Ox20; P1OUT -Ox04: P1OUT A- Ox24: P1OUT A-Ox04: P1OUT=0x24: P1OUT Ox04 P1OUT A=0x20; P1OUT A Ox04; P1OUT=0x24; ......P1OUT-Ox04: P1OUT ^=0x24: ++++++++ PLOUT -Ox04: P1OUT ^0x24: P1OUT ^=0x20; PLOUT 40x24; ... P1OUT - Ox04: P1OUT =0x24: P1OUT ^= Ox04: P1OUT Ox24: P1OUT A-Ox20;