
Number these events in the order they happened.
Ch. 2- The Cyclops (pages 7-16)

The Cyclops build a fire.
The Cyclops says that Nobody is harming him.
Odysseus decides not to stab the Cyclops.
The sheep are loaded on board.
Odysseus and his men fashion a huge pointy stake.
The men land on an island where they feast on meat and wine.
Odysseus offers the Cyclops some wine.
The giants laugh and turn away.
Odysseus says his name is Nobody.
Odysseus blinds Polyphemus.
The men are at sea for seven more days.
The Cyclops dashes two seamen onto the ground and eats them.
Odysseus tells the Cyclops his correct name.
Polyphemus hurls a rock at the ships.
The giants come running to help.
The seamen eat some cheese.
A Cyclops comes into the cave.
The Cyclops curse Odysseus.
The men escape on the underside of the rams.
Odysseus and twelve men come upon a cave.