
14. A male rabbit homozygous dominant for hair and homozygous recessive for eyes is crossed with a female rabbit heterozygous for both traits. What is the proportion of their offspring that is grey haired and black eyed? STEP 1: Male STEP 2: STEP 1: STEP 2: parent gamete 1 parent 18 gamete 2 gamete 3 ÖÖ gamete 2 gamete 3 parent gamete 4 Oi gamete 1 15. A male rabbit that is heterozygous for both traits and a female rabbit heterozygous for both traits. What is the proportion of their offspring that is white haired and black eyed? Male Female Female parent gamete 1 K8₁ gamete 2 gamete 3 gamete 4 50 gamete 2 gamete 3 STEP 3: gamete 4 STEP 3​