
How did French Impressionists such as Claude Monet capture their impressions of a scene on canvas?

Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies, painting by Claude Monet, showing lilies on a pond surrounded by lush green grasses and overhanging trees and a bridge spanning the pond


French Impressionists applied frenzied brushstrokes to solidly model figures using light and shadow.

French Impressionists applied frenzied brushstrokes to solidly model figures using light and shadow.

French Impressionists snapped quick photographs of a scene to capture their impressions before painting.

French Impressionists snapped quick photographs of a scene to capture their impressions before painting.

French Impressionists used dabs of pure, vibrant color to show changing light and weather conditions.

French Impressionists used dabs of pure, vibrant color to show changing light and weather conditions.

French Impressionists used quick strokes of color in neutral hues that reflect the true colors of objects.