
Answer :


A: When was Greek sculpture at its peak-- The classical period.

B: What material did the greeks favor to create these statues-- Bronze. because it is more malleable and allowed the sculptor to create even the most minute details.

C: Why do so few classical Greek sculptures remain-- because over the years they were melted down to create weapons and other objects. Plus, time, ya know?

D: Describe Myrons' most well-known sculptures-- Myrons' most famous sculptures were the ladas, which included a statue of an argive runner and olympic victor, and a bronze cow that stood in Athens' marketplace.

E: Expressionism is what it's called when an artist paints his or her emotions, instead of something they see in the outside world. The scream, for example, is expressionism.

H: Much of the Byzantine Empires' artwork depicted religious effigies, and religious messages were very common and prominent in the artworks. . Their art moved away from classic naturalism and more towards the more abstract and universal. They were also really into mosaic.

I: Describe iconoclasm-- Iconoclasm is when a person or people reject cherised beliefs, institutions, established valued and practices. This includes destrying religeous images under the pretense of heresay. An example of iconoclasm is: Say that some peeps in a townsquare are yelling about how jesus or Buddah or something isn't real, because science can explain everything, then they burn a picture of the person, and maybe smash a statue of the person while thy're at it. It doesn't have to be about religion though, the peopl could do that to any icon that a lage number of people strongly believe in, science, or a certain cult, anything.

E: Did any artworks beside architecture survive inoclasm-- I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to this one, but I assume books maybe? If that counts as artwork. I've heard people call certain books "works of art"  so maybe they do count? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

F: What feature makes Hagia Sophia unique for it's period-- The building was built in 537 ce (common era) and it only took six years to complete, which is unique for the time period because back then they did everything by hand, and I mean EVERY little detail was done by hand. So the fact that it only took 6 years is incredible. The guys who made it (Athemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus) were already well-known for their mechanics and mathmatics, but they became famous after building the Hagia Sophia.

G:how does the statue of primaporta support the idea that he was god-like-- He was made to look younger, more athletic, stronger, etc. very godlike when compared to previous rulers.

H: Main differences between the two statues in the chart-- Statue of Agustus: was created to show him as a god, he appeared once, has cupid at hi feet. -- Trajan's column: created for Trajans' millitary acheivement, he appeared 59 times, had dacia appear disorganized, and made Rome appear ordered and neat.

I:  Describe the features of the roman aquaduct-- The Roman aquaduct was constructed using a series of tunnels, pipes, canals, and bridges. gravity, as well as the lands natural slope, allowed the water to flow from a freshwater source through the aquaduct. The roman aquaduct is best recognized by its' bridges.

J: Describe the main features and purpose of the roman colluseum -- As most people know, the Roman collesseum was used for violent gladiator battles, as well as plays and speeches, what less people know, is that it was filled with mechanics by the hypogeum soon after it was built, so the gladiator battles and plays and whatnot, were a short lived form of entertainment inside the Roman Collesseum. The buildings most prominent features are it's collumns and arches, each story of the building has a different style of collumns. The Colluseum, when it was used as a colluseum before the hypogeum started using it as storage, could sea up to 80,000 people.

K: I don't know why I'm doing this by letter and not Number.

L: Describe the oldest surviving islamic sanctuary, how does it reflect byzantine architecture, how is it different-- I think the oldest surviving islamic sanctuary is the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca. I don't know how it reflects byzantine archtecture or how it is different, I'm sorry.

M: Describe the great mosque in corbana-- you can look up a picture of it, it's a really beautiful building. (sorry I'm in a rush now because my mom is making food and I have to be at the table when it's done, or she gon' get mad. lol)

N: For what purpose was the greek parthenon built-- It was built as a temple for the Goddess Athena who was the main diety that was worshipped by the athen people

O: Okay, I have to go now, but I hope this helps! Happy new years, stay safe, wear a mask, adios!