Answer :
the author is trying to tell the audience about nature (romantic poem)
yes I like the poem because, of how it is distinct on the emphasis on nature and all the diction used.
oh my soul at the highest guided sky!
Je pense que l'auteur essaie de nous enseigner l'importance énorme de la vie. Si nous avions moins d'un jour à vivre, serions-nous d'accord? L'auteur le souligne. J'ai aimé le poème à cause de sa fluidité. J'ai aussi aimé le poème à cause de sa beauté au sens profond.
I think the author is trying to teach us the enormous importance of life. If we had less than a day to live, would we be okay? The author emphasizes this. I liked the poem because of its fluidity. I also liked the poem because of its beauty in a deep sense.