
Answer :


Total sum of the sides = Sum of sides of triangle + Sum of sides of quadrilateral.

So, overall expression for the sides of the envelop containing triangle and quadrilateral will be:

3t + 4q

Step-by-step explanation:

So, in an envelope, we have a triangle as well as a quadrilateral.

There will be  three sides of a triangle present in the envelop and there will be 4 sides of quadrilateral.

let's suppose that, t showcase the sides of a triangle in the envelope and q showcases the sides of quadrilateral in the envelope.

Total sum of the sides = Sum of sides of triangle + Sum of sides of quadrilateral.

So there is one triangle and one quadrilateral.

Hence, expression of the sides of the triangle will be:

3 sides = t+t+t = 3t

And, expression for the sides of the quadrilateral will be:

4 sides = q +q + q +q = 4q

So, overall expression for the sides of the envelop containing triangle and quadrilateral will be:

3t + 4q